Happy December 1st!!
12pm- Blood giving time!! Okay, to tell the truth, I'm not 110 lbs, thought I was, but I'm not. Close enough though. I'm not gonna die, I've had water and "a good meal", as they suggest. I asked my mum once, "Why would people give blood when they're underweight? It's unhealthy." The answer: Because they're crazy. Because I'm crazy. Because I like to give blood. You know, I'll bet my younger self would hate my older self.
Sunsets in Rexburg are beautiful.
The mountains are beautiful.
Beautiful is not descriptive enough. Neither is happy. The english language is inadequate.
I made canned bread again. But didn't eat the whole can. Just half :D
Blah blah blah. 11:37.
It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on
Ooooooooooookay. I'm boring. And tired. I was up 'til 3am uploading pics onto FB, like a nerd, and got up at 6:30am. Whatever.
Water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water
Done now. Go away.
Did I miss this before? What is canned bread and why would you eat something that sounds so dreadful??
You are such a skinny minny. I know a lot of girls who would wish to have that problem!
Pillsbury French Bread. Comes in a can. Most delicious. It's like those crescent rolls they have.
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