Saturday, April 30, 2011

Expression of frustration at everything being out of order and confused

Life will never become easier, and I want to stop trying, but I know that even if I say I will, I won't, so though there is no point in trying, there is no point in trying not to try. Going against the flow never worked, and going with the flow only seems to confuse me more and make things worse. So I'll go with the flow, because it's easier.

And I have a wicked cough that's tearing up my throat.


Wrong Idea by Chris Thile
Chicago by Sufjan Stevens

Monday, April 25, 2011


Man, I truly am a self-interested individual, and I'm severely conscious of it. I do the mental calculations not subconsciously. Is it bad to be self-interested? Or am I just feeling bad because I am conscious of it? Of every decision that I make, I can name for you the lists on cost-benefit analysis, and who benefits and why they do. Man, I could be an awesome manipulator if I didn't have such a conscious.

Also, it was on Friday, I think, that I suddenly had the thought: "I am happy with who I am. I am glad to be me." And I felt it wholly and completely. I'm glad I'm me.

I miss my family. I find myself disliking Rexburg more and more, since I have only two of my cousins here. Not nearly enough family.

Now, time to go make the most of today, in my extreme exhaustion :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

More Dreamage...

I had another was about sex trafficking....and at first, there were these secret underground kidnappings at my school, but they weren't really kidnappings because the people were still there, going to classes and stuff, but they were just being "initiated" into this prostitution ring (unwillingly), and didn't tell anyone about it for some reason. I kept trying to warn people, but nobody believed me, and the bad people kept trying to capture me because they wanted me and because I was warning people. They also didn't care whether I was hurt or killed, since I was warning people, but they preferred that I become one of their prostitutes. But I kept fighting and running. But eventually they did get me, and I struggled with them, and they couldn't get me any "clients", then I stopped struggling because I knew I couldn't escape, and felt like a dirty, immoral, condemned-to-hell person because I didn't struggle anymore--In my mind, I was being consensual, though I wanted to be anywhere but there. It was a disturbing dream. The first part of the dream, before I was captured, was cool. But the second part was rated X. Why does my mind create unwholesome dreams? I don't think about this stuff, so where does it come from? Weird, weird, weird.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Partial Dream

While I'm thinking of it:

I had a dream where there was some sort of band playing or something, and one of them had an upright bass, and he asked me if I wanted to try playing it, but I also asked him because I had a melody in my head, and we both agreed because I've always wanted to try, and the bass had frets. It was pretty tight, because that made it easier to play. And I was able to play it (probably because it had frets). It was so cool. I would love to learn to play the bass someday. Also the cello. It's one of my dreams.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Oddities of Time

197 page book in 1 hour, 47 minutes. My intent was to read a chill book while I ate, then do some more homework, then perhaps to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Beware of books. Now the time for early-to-bed-early-to-rise has passed, and I think I'll just pull an all-nighter. Perhaps for 48 hours. And then my mind will be as impaired as if I were drunk. Though I've never been drunk (and I never will be). Time has been flying ever since Saturday night. We got back at around 6, and I went to the Snow around 7 and skyped home for an hour and a half, then played piano 'til 11. It was light when I went into the Snow, and dark when I came out. It surprised me. Time escaped from me. On Sunday night after General Conference I went to my friend's house. We talked, watched Tangled, then talked some more. I looked at the clock, and it had jumped from 8 to 12. Time escaped from me. Today after classes and tutoring I was in the library doing homework from 7 until 10. I didn't notice the passage of time except for on the computer clock. It felt as though an hour had passed. My internal time measurer needs reset, so that time will not escape from me. I expect that tonight as I attempt to be ultra-productive, time will yet again escape from me. I pulled an all-nighter last Monday. That was a week ago. It feels like yesterday. Where does it go? Time is certainly relative. I've felt oddly internal since Saturday. I received social interaction on Sunday night, and now it's as though my meter has been filled for an indefinite period of time. Perhaps my body is finally becoming acclimated so that it needs less of everything in order to survive: less sleep, less socialisation, less food, less time. I will transcend mortality before I know it. Someday I will be married and will not have to use this blog any more. It's hardly read as it is. Someday I will have somebody who will have to listen. I hate the boy. I dislike the girl. But I can feign friendship until the semester ends. Two days of classes, three more of packing/moving/planning.