Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Thursday.


Class, and then piano, and then class, and then home, and then temple, but they were too full so I sat in the chapel and read scriptures and pondered (lemme tell ya, it's the BEST place to read scriptures and think), then home, then out to eat (paid for by Emm's AWESOME mother- I'm gonna miss her when she goes) (Emms is AWESOME too), then piano, then home, then talking with the roomies (I have THE BEST roomies in the entire world). And now I'm refusing to go to bed.

Emily and I went to the temple together. On the three-or-so minute drive up there, she played "Praise To The Man" sung by MoTab and it was AWESOME. Then right as we got out of the car, there was lightning and the wind was blowing really hard and we almost died. Then we got in the temple and were told it was too full for me to do baptisms (that's how it should be) and so I sat in the chapel and studied my scriptures and read my patriarchal blessing. I really felt the spirit. I'm going to do baptisms on Saturday, so it's okay. Man, it was awesome though. And I know for sure that you receive blessings when you go to the temple. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to be at a university where we begin each class with a prayer, and where we have a temple within walking distance, where the spirit helps us to learn, where nearly everyone is a member and has the same standards. Where teachers tie the scriptures in to their lessons, and guys use stories from their missions when answering questions. Where all the buildings are dedicated. Where we have devotional each week. Oh my goodness. "Count your many blessings" for sure.

But after the temple, we started "Praise to the Man" again, and it came to the last verse, where it crescendos and becomes really epic, and we were driving right past the temple and it was so made me cry. I had the thought, "Satan will be defeated." Man. I love this gospel. 

So tomorrow's Friday and TGIF. Piano and roommates and whatever else. And then Saturday and the temple and hanging with Char again and then Sunday and testimonies and more awesome lessons. Sunday's always a good day. Then do it all over again. But I love it (except for nutrition class. I know everything already and it's such a bore...I just doodle the whole time. But it's better than that genetics class I dropped. At least this is easy and I don't have to do any thinking.) So yeah. Still no complaints. I love chemistry and look forward to it each day. I love college algebra and look forward to it also. I look forward to BOM because my teacher is awesome and so is that class. I don't look forward to nutrition, but like I said, it's easy. Then there's communications, and I thought I'd hate that class, but I absolutely love it and I think I'm going to make a few friends from that class. And it's definitely going to help me be more social and confident. I can tell already. I love to listen to people and have them tell your stories. And I've found that it's really easy to have a conversation with someone if you keep them talking about themselves. When I had that thought, I laughed. 

Oh, and I bought goggles for chem and felt like a huge nerd, and I also felt sort of proud of my nerdiness. But that'll come crashing down when I actually have to wear them.

I have one of the piano songs stuck in my head. The one by Scarlatti. I like that one. Can you hear it too?

I hate falling asleep. I love dreaming. I'm okay with sleep. I hate going to sleep full. I love going to sleep hungry. Dogmuffin.

I love my hair. So do other people. I've gotten compliments, and it makes me happy. It also makes me think that there are more people who like my hair who just don't tell me. I think compliments about people that I don't tell them. Shame on me.

I'm tired. I feel like drawing. I have a chem quiz that I need to take tomorrow or Saturday. Tomorrow for sure. 

Rexburg. I love it here. 

But the weather won't make up its mind. But I love it. It rained today. And hailed. And snowed. And fogged. What the heck.

So I love my life, and that's all there is to it. I'm freezing.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Post of Exponential Existential Experimental Happiness


Ten things I've learned:

1. You learn more from classes if you prepare beforehand
2. If you do homework right when you get home, you have more free time
3. If you participate in ward activities, you have more fun
4. It's good to be not shy
5. People are generally nice
6. You learn more from church if you prepare beforehand
7. The temple is an awesome place
8. You get SO SO SO SO SO many blessings from going to the temple
9. If you do your part, the Lord helps you
10. Talking with friends is way fun

Yes yes yes. And on the topic of number eight: oh yes. OH YES. I can tell that I'm being helped in classes, I'm being helped with piano (I LOVE PIANO and I can tell I have improved so much! I had my first piano lesson today and I was assigned some tough stuff. But the awesome awesome thing is that I know I can do it- and that's never happened before, where I know I can do something. One's Scarlotti or something like that, and it's fast and chord-y, and another is by some soviet dude, and I know that with practise I can do them! I am SO excited. Oh, and that Fantasia by Mozart? I'm re-working on that- and oh my gosh I can READ THE MUSIC and PLAY IT! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!! I want to tell EVERYONE! I want to show EVERYONE!! It's so awesome, and it makes me so incredibly awesomely magically superfantastically HAPPY!!! I can't even describe! It's like those times when I could keep writing and writing how HAPPY and THANKFUL I am!!), I'm being helped to be social, I'm being helped with homework. There are so many things that I'm able to understand that I know I wouldn't understand otherwise. I'm doing what I am supposed to, and the Lord is helping me out, and I don't deserve to be blessed this much, but I am SO THANKFUL! Ohmygosh. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPYHAPPY! My classes are awesome, my classmates are awesome, piano's awesome, I got a calling today and I don't even know what I'm supposed to do but I'm happy to have a calling, my roommates are awesome (AWESOME!), my ward is awesome, our FHE brothers are awesome (hilarious!!), and I have absolutely no complaints. 

I am a bit scared though. I thought I was supposed to be having trials? I'm happy. What's going on?

I can tell that other talents are improving too: drawing and some inside talents. Geez. My cup runneth over for sure.

Tell your friends, tell your mother, tell your dog, tell your dog's fleas, tell your house, tell your grass, tell the sky and the clouds and the rain and the stars and tell the world that Chloe Adell Lammi is the absolute most happy she has ever been in her entire life and that she is so thankful for everything that Heavenly Father has given her and that she wants to be the best she can be to please Him and to make this happiness last. OH my gosh. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I give everyone in the entire world a ginormous hug right now. Feel it?




Oh, life near to perfect as is possible at this point in time. Tell the world. I am happy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is My life in a NUTSHELL (a large nutshell, like a walnut or maybe a coconut)

Whoa. Last semester was like a fetus compared to this semester. It's awesome though. AWESOME! I can tell that the spirit is definitely helping me learn, and I love LOVE that we start each class with a prayer, because it helps. I have gen chem every day, 7:45-8:45, and I love it. We're breezing through everything. Thank goodness I have such an awesome group. There's this one dude who knows everything, it seems, and he's really good at explaining. The other two people are nice also. Because my class is so early, I've been going to bed early...10-11pm early...
I have college algebra, and that class is going to just be an enhanced review of everything. I feel really stupid sometimes, though, because I know that I know how to do the math, but I don't remember how to do it, and it's such simple math! Oh, but something really cool: I've never been good at story problems (they confuse me unless they're really simple) but because we have the spirit here, I was able to figure through some that I would never have known how to do before. I LOVE  BYU-I!
Let's see...I have BOM part 2, and my teacher's hilarious, and he makes class comfortable. Like, I think I may actually comment in that class....maybe. In the first class, he said something about how he can tell how good a class is going to be by how they sing the first hymn (with parts and stuff). We sang without midi, without piano. We started on the first line of "We Thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet", and everyone sang the melody....then when we came to the second line, it was like, all of a sudden, there was the bass, and the alto, and the was SO SO SO beautifulcoolawesome! It made me smile, and it definitely brought the spirit. That class will be more work, but I know I'll get so much out of it.
Then I had a foundations genetics class, but I dropped it. It was not interesting, and now I know I'll never do anything with genetics (although I do have to take a class in genetics for my major...funtimes.) Instead, I signed up for a nutrition class. It's all stuff I know, and so it'll be easy, and perhaps enlightening...but probably not. I know nutrition.
Then Tues/Thur, I have a communications class...that class is CRAZY. It's going to be one of the worst discomforts of my life, but I know that if I put effort into it, it'll help me. 
Then I have lab on Tues, 3:15-5:15, and we didn't do a lab this time, but worked on a worksheet. And now I understand sigfigs. SIGFIGS!

Today at 4:30 I go to the snow to fill out a card to be assigned a piano teacher, and they'll probably tell me that I'm not good enough and I'll have to start from the beginning. But that's okay, because I could use the practise, I guess. 

And I'm being responsible this semester, actually doing my homework right after I come home. It's good. If I didn't do that, I'd fall way behind. And I have nothing else to do anyway. If I had any free time at all, it would probably be spent on Facebook. And that is a tremendous waste of time. 

I say "and" a lot.
I also say "awesome" a lot.

The weather was really interesting yesterday. The sky was all nice and blue and cumulus-y, and I was in the Hinckley, looking out at the sky for an hour, and gradually, these huge, dark, sweet storm clouds moved in. I took pictures. I still had 20-ish minutes before class, so I went outside and lay (lie? laid? Stupid english) in the grass, and looked at the sky. I took more pictures. It got really windy, and eventually I went to the genetics class (which I dropped that night). After class, as I was walking through the gardens to get home, it started raining all of a sudden. But part of the sky was still beautiful and cumulus-y, and right above, it was dark and ominous and heavy. So the sun was still shining, and it was raining. It was summer rain. There was that smell...that smell of just-rained-on sunbaked concrete. LOVE!! Then, a couple minutes later, it stopped. I was across the street from Kerr when the absolute most awesome thing happened. It started raining again, but this time I was in FULL sun, with the dark clouds to the left, and the sun to the right, and it RAINED for  maybe three minutes, then it stopped. It. was. cool. I took pictures. Emmz said that it hailed where she was. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!

Oh, haha, also, during Music Outlet on Monday, there were almost no people there, since it was the first one, and I assume not many people knew that they were having it that night, and people were just getting up and performing (usually they sign up) and then the last person who got up did this:
He stood by the mike for a minute, with his guitar, and said something like, "Hang on, trying to remember how this goes...." Then he looked into the audience and asked, "what's your name" to people sitting in the second row. There was a guy and his wife, and the guy answered, but then Man On Stage said, "no, the girl sitting next to you". Wife answered, "Alyssia" or something like that, and MOS said, more to himself, ", that won't work". Then this: "What's your name in the mickey mouse shirt?" "Chloe", said Chloe. And then he said, to himself again, "Chlo-e, chlo-e, yeah, that'll work." And then, oh my gosh, it was so funny!!! he started singing: "Chlo-o-e, can't you see, you're the only girl for me, Steph-a-nie. Steph-a-nie, can't you see, you're the only girl for me, Na-an-cy. Na-an-cy, can't you see, you're the only girl for me, (and then he paused for a second) An-tho-ny. An-tho-ny, can't you see, you're the only guy for me, Ti-mo-thy. Ti-mo-thy, can't you see, you're the only guy for me, (he paused again) ...Chlo-o-e." That's not exact, but you get the idea. It was so funny. I felt kinda bad afterward, though, because there was this other girl there who had on a mickey mouse sweater, but I know he was asking me because I was a few rows behind Wife Alyssia, and a bit to the left. Funtimes.

I took the math 110 placement test (i don't know why you have to take it when you've already taken 108, but whatever) and got 26/30, 86%. Nothing to brag about, but I'm happy. It's not for a grade, just so that you know you're in the right class. 

I'm dissolving my enamel with diet soda, in all its caramel-coloured goodness. 

Our chem teacher made homemade rootbeer in chem this morning. Chem class rules. So does Bro. Manner. He's a cool guy. But that class would be way hard if you had never had chem before. 

In short: I love college, I have lots of homework, the weather is awesome, and this semester's gonna be the best semester in the entire history of the world (at least until next summer).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another post.

I got my books, I made an awesome card, and I hope to go to the Snow tonight. I'm actually having a written-down budget, too. That way I can see if I have extra moneys. 

My classes this semester will be so interesting, but so hard. It'll be cool.


That is all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Love love love love

HOME! I am home.

So let's see...Wednesday, I suppose:

I was up 'til 4:00 am on Tuesday. I went to bed, woke up at 5:40. Car ride to Detroit, I kind of dozed, and I think I fell asleep a couple of times. 3 hours later, in Detroit. Checked the bags in, and I ended up throwing away like, 5 water bottles (stupid stupid stupid...what, I'm gonna blow up the plane with lemon-flavoured water, yogurt, soup, and a can of pineapple?) Waited for two hours, then plane ride for an hour and 30 minutes. Yay. Arrived in St. Louis, chilled there for around 4 hours. Plane ride for 3 hours, 40 minutes. Arrived in SLC. Waited an hour-ish for the shuttle. Shuttle ride for 4 hours. We went through rain and snow (but the rain was good- I got some cool long-exposure photos). Then picked up and brought to Kat's friend's house, and I slept on a short couch (the long couch was taken up by Alicia, a girl from the ward in Muskegon. She was my travel-mate. I don't think she likes me, and it's not just some unfounded idea. I've got little things that could add up to proof. I keep trying to be her friend, but I just don't think she likes me. So I'm not even gonna try. She was nice, but seemed a bit bland (although I never got to know her). It really bothers me though; what didn't she like about me? I never did anything to her. It bothers me. I tried to be nice and friendly. I just want to know why she doesn't like me, and then I'll be good.)
Woke up around 9, teeth, clothes, breakfast, ride to Danbury Manor East. Hello, Emily! Check in, move things inside, move Emily's things inside, disembowel the storage room, get her stuff out, put everything back in, move all that stuff inside, unpack for 4 hours, take a break, go to Subway, storage to get the remainder of my stuff, Walmart to get a pillow and a mattress cover (I had a pillow...I didn't know that. But it was flat, so it's good that I got a new one-I can NOT sleep on a flat pillow. I die.), Braulims for my oatmeal/splenda/salt/1 gal milk/cinnamon. Then back, finish unpacking, hang stuff on the walls. Colleen comes over (she's so awesome). She left, we chilled, I went to the Snow at 7ish. Played horribly (the keyboard screwed me over, but it was also the piano, methinks- the keys were too sensitive. I like them to be more resistant. I should have changed rooms) but had fun nonetheless. Came home at 10, chilled, chatted to people on the internet. That made me really happy. I think I may actually be a social person, but somewhere along the line I got screwed over on confidence. I love talking to people, hearing about their lives. I guess that would be letting people talk, then. But I do. People are so interesting, when you give them a chance. I went to bed at 2.

Friday: woke up. Emmz is gone. She had back surgery today, and she called after the surgery. She's okay. Then I decided I wanted to shower. So I went in the bathroom, tested the water. It was cold, even after letting it run for a minute. I was determined to have that shower. So while I was in a towel, I put three pots of water on the stove, and filled up two bowls with water, alternating them as I dumped one out then came back and got the other. The water coming from the tap was warm, so I just used that. I filled up the tub halfway, and it took 30ish minutes. And then I had a bath, and was satisfied. Take that, cold water! (Tonight I learned that I have to turn it in the other direction to get hot water...hehe) (But let it be known that the Chloe perseveres when she wants something badly enough, although that doesn't happen too often.) So after that, I got ready, and tried on all my pants and shirts that I had left in storage because I was bored. As I knew, none of them fit (but they're all size 0-3) but I know that with my restricted budget and with all the excersise I'm going to get here, I will be able to fit into my pretty pants again (and this makes me so exceedingly happy- I love being on a teensy food budget. Teensy food budget=teensy size. It's cool, though; it all works out. I want to lose weight, and I have a small budget, and I'm getting walking-around exercise. Ah! I'm so excited to be small and pretty again.) Then I settled on an outfit and put makeup on and had breakfast and read scriptures. Then I imported pictures and did some stuff on the computer. Then I decided I wanted to go to the Snow. I got over there and none of the practise rooms were open. This made me sad. It was a nice day, though, so I just walked back home and put my music bag inside and took a walk about town. It was warm, but with a cool breeze, so it was PERFECT. I got back 45 minutes later, and had lunch. Then I don't remember what I did, so it must not have been important, then I waited for Kat and stepped in water, then we unloaded her stuff, then went to the store and she got food and i got toothpaste. We went back to her place, and she fed me dinner (Thank you again!) and we watched a couple episodes of Lie To Me. I walked home, washed my face, brushed my teeth, took out my contacts, got into PJs, pretended not to be scared of the dark, empty house as I threw trash into the trash can in the kitchen without turning lights on. And now here I am, blogging to preserve memories.

Tomorrow @ 11 I'm going to Kat's house and we're gonna compare schedules and figure out exercise time, and then go buy books, and then I'm going to the Snow (hopefully it's open) and then home, and I will meet my new roomies. I think Emmz is coming back tomorrow. School starts Monday. 

I'm having a general sense of not-happy right now (once again: take meds every day). I'm trying to pretend that I am happy until the meds kick in again. Stupid me. It's so annoying though. I hate being dependent on meds. Stupid serotonin. 

And I have many cool pictures on my wall. This is home. I will be happy when the meds start working. Stupid stupid depression. 

Tired. I'm gonna look at my budget. Goodnight.

I hope there are cute guys in church and in my classes (although I'll be too shy to talk to them or look at them and therefore they will think I'm being standoffish and I'll never get married. Eh. It would be nice to go on dates once in a while. I don't want a relationship, but dates would be fun. For whatever reason, though, guys don't like me. Harrumph. Thank goodness I have awesome friends. And piano. And sleep. I'm tired.)

Tired. I will be excited when the meds start working.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I still have stuff to do...but I'm procrastinating. Hey-o!
Did billions of errands with mum today. Things are getting done. All I have left to to is pack and repack.
I may be up for a while.
When I post next, I shall be in Rexburg! 

Sunday, April 12, 2009


D&C 76

  22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the atestimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he blives!
  23 For we asaw him, even on the bright hand of cGod; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only dBegotten of the Father—
  24 That by ahim, and through him, and of him, the bworlds are and were created, and the cinhabitants thereof are begotten dsons and daughters unto God.

Read the rest of the section now.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Asbestos and Actin

Hey there hi there ho there!

Today was a greatly fun day.
I was woken up at around 9 by Dad, but decided to just lay on the couch in that half-awake, half-asleep state, where you know you're asleep and you can still hear and respond to everything around you. Then Jothan came home and rang the doorbell fifty million times. Other people were asleep so I had to jump up to answer the door. Then I got up because I knew there would be no going to sleep after that. I had breakfast and played piano a bit, then we all piled into the car at 10:40 to go to an easter-egg hunt thing. We did that, and it was fun (it was only for Thaden and Schink, but that's okay. It was fun watching them. It was at a different church, though, so Aurora was church-bashing some of the time, which annoyed me. Gen Con just addressed this. Did you pay attention? Good.) Then Dad decided all-of-a-sudded that he wanted to go to the Dairy Creamery or something like that (it's a cow farm) so we did, and first we had lunch at their restaurant (delicious sandwiches, salad, and all-you-can-drink milk). Then we went on the tour (it was just our family, and it was so cool!). The tour was awesome. It made me want to work on a cow farm. Our tour guide (one of the ranch owners) was really nice. After the tour, we went home, then I practised piano for a bit, then went to my last piano lesson (it got rescheduled twice). I think that's one of the things I'm gonna miss the most. Piano Teacher was so nice (she used to be my YW prez; she still is the YW prez) and she was always positive and complimentary. She had great advice, and she was really fun and easy to talk to. I'll miss her. I'll miss piano lessons. I looked forward to those each week.
After that, I came home and did stuff, then went outside and played with Pooless. I ended up pushing him in a wheelbarrow that has only one handle. He liked it. I liked it. It made us both happy. Then mum polished my hair a bit, trimming just my fuzzies and my bangs. Being a perfectionist is good sometimes. Now they're at the store, getting easter stuff, and after this post, I'm going to go clean. Wahoo. After I clean, I'm gonna play on the computer. 
Oh, my hair's been recut and redyed. It looks awesome (except now it's so short that I'm gonna need to wear mascara all the time or I'll look like a dude). It'll look even more awesome on me once I've lost weight. Then I can be a thin pixie beauty. But the dye is Demi, so I need to redo it every 6-8 weeks. So I'm a-bringin' hair colour to college! w00t!

Four days. Love.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

vOLvEr a RExBurG

EDIT: I said that I had a 200-a-month budget. Well, it's actually a 200-a-semester food budget. Now THAT will be awesome.

(8 days)
I've got webcam set up, I've got budget made, I've got bags packed, I've got (most) affairs set in order. Most of what I need to figure out now has to be done when I get to Burgga-da-Burg-Rexy-Roxy-Roxbury-Rexburg. I need to wash my clothes, though...which I'll do after this! But I'm  pretty much ready to leave in a day and NEVER NEVER NEVER come back. 
If I don't get a job this semester, I'll need a job next semester. If I don't get a job next semester, I'm gonna be living off of oatmeal, tuna, and ramen, and not going to any university events unless I can bum off of friends. 
I budgeted so that I only spend 200/semester on's that for awesome!!
So thank goodness there are lots of parties and food handouts on the college scene. It's too bad guys don't like me or I could go on dates every night and get food that way. 

I do hope things work out and I can stay there.
I need a job. And I don't just need a job. I NEED a job. Unless I want to come back here. But I'd rather starve on a 200-per-month food budget than come back here.

That's the end. I am SO SO SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And SOOO happy!!! I'm goin' back, I'm goin' back, I'm goin' back hooooooooooooooome!
And I'll be right by the temple again, and this semester, I'm determined to go often.

So what's gonna happen this semester? Will I make new friends? Hopefully. Go on some dates? Highly doubtful. Learn a lot? DEFINITELY! Try my best? I plan to!
Have fun?
A solid and resounding YES.

And now I scream it: 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Your voice is void Squeeze 'til your bones break

Hey, wanna hear a secret?
Come closer.
No, closer.
(I think I like country music)

Tell anyone, and your children will die, your house will be consumed in fire, your cat will eat your fish, your dog will eat your cat, and you'll never fit into a size less than XXXXL again.

Tell anyone, and your hair will fall out, your eyeballs will pop, your nose will become huge, and your entire body will be covered in red pus-acne.

You'll never catch me listening to it on  my own, or tolerating it. As soon as it comes on, I'll do the regular "EW, country!" and make them change it. And therefore will this abnormality be crushed. I won't have this uncultured crap poisoning me.

But besides that. I stayed up 'til 1:30 last night (I intended to stay up longer, but I fell asleep on the floor watching Hercules with Mum and Aorta, then in a sleepy stupor stumbled over to the couch and slept there) and woke up all of a sudden at 5:30. I was just like, "okay" and chilled on the comp. Then I had breakfast, then practised piano, then drove Aorta to cross, stayed there and looked at the waves and the sand and the sky and played the keyboard (I took it in the car) (Side Note- There are few things as awesome and beautiful as coming over a hill and seeing the ocean, big, blue, stretching on until it meets the horizon). Then we went home (we wanted to stay and play on the beach so bad, but it was FREEZING and windy). 
At home I made breakfast for Smells, Schink, and Mum. Then I did stuff, then I INVENTED MY OWN RECIPE!
I'm still working on it. Today was trial 1. I'll have to wait 'til 50 million years in the future 'til trial 2. But I think I know what to do now, and how it'll turn out. Ying!

Then I ran some errands with mum, and did other stuff, and now I'm playing piano and messing around with "Nearer, My God, to Thee". You know how people play hymns and just make them beautiful all impromptu-like? Yeah, I can't do that. But I can add in an extra note or two and stuff. Nothing worth mentioning. It's just fun, and good practise, I'd imagine. I love piano.

Right now, I'm wearing two shirts (one backwards) and two bras (one backwards) and my necklaces backwards. Yes, I am cool.

Okay. Check this place out if you ever feel like making music:
It's cool. I just wish I could compose music...ah, that would be awesome.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Side Note

Oh look, this side-note gets its own post!
Anyways, I was inspired by an artist on deviantART to try and make some felt accessories, so I'm browsing photos of felt accessories on google. I saw a picture of a girl with her hair in a ponytail and all of a sudden, for absolutely no reason at all, I wanted to have longer hair. I want to be able to pull my hair into a ponytail again.
So there you go.
I'm going to use my sleeping time on thinking about making feltstufffs. 

Gen Con and The Rexburg

Gen Con Gen Con GEN CON!!!
I love it.

I loved all the talks. Theme (according to Eolhc)- Adversity: Why it is Necessary and How to Get Through it.
But I'm not presumptuous.
Watching Gen Con reminded me of last year's conference. That was so fun, and such a great experience.

I budgeted and figured that in order for me to live in Le Burg for winter, I need a job. Even just an on-campus job will work. But it'd be cool if I could get a longer-term one. I'm going to do what I can, and pray that it works out and that I'm supposed to stay in Rexburg, because I don't think I could bear another four months at home. I'm done with that phase. 
But to find a job...I'm scared. I've never had a "real" job and so I don't really know how to work, and I'm shy so I won't be able to talk to my co-workers unless they talk to me first. Maybe I'll do something where I don't have to interact too much, thereby prolonging the problem. Yes, I'll do that, because I'm comfortable with that.

11 days. I love piano.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hi, Hello, Hey: Let's all be gay (happy)!

Financial aid came in! (finally)
It's for fall/spring '09/'10.
Tomorrow, I get to create a budget and find out how much it costs to stay in Burgland for winter semester. 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If I can help it, I'm never returning to this blasted, cursed, idiot state with its laid-back people and horrid weather. (grumble grumble)
So for tomorrow, at least, I have purpose!

1 week, 4 days. 11 days.
The closer it gets, the longer it takes to get here. Time is definitely relative. Sidetrack- Isn't it so cool how everything is relative? It was physics that first helped me to realise that. Right now, I'm moving at zero kilometers per second. OR AM I?! I'm also moving at 0.5 km/s, 30 km/s, and 250 km/s, according to this site:
Because I am on the earth, I move as fast as the earth moves when I'm not moving. 
Take a physics class. It is so WAY interesting. But make sure you get a good teacher. My teacher was a prat, therefore I learned a LOT less than I could have and everything got all muddled. He was a coach. Coaches shouldn't teach. Especially not physics. But take a physics class. I'm definitely giving it another go. It really helps you look at the world differently. 
Then again, I'm a nerd. Don't tell anyone, though.

I made caramel today. It was FAWESOME!!! Like so immensely incredibly delicious, I would eat the whole dang pan if I didn't give a fart about my body.
Here's the recipe. Make it. Eat it. Get fat.
Or not.

We also went to the beach. There were stupid ugly clouds covering the entire sky except for a sliver at the horizon where we watched the sun for maybe 5-10 minutes as it set. It was pretty, but still can't beat those sunsets in the Burg.

I also went on the trampoline in a short-sleeved shirt in the 44 degree windy spring weather. How's that for MANLY!?

Oh, and last night I made chicken tetrazzini. It is the FACE! But I don't have the link, and no one pays any attention to the recipes I post anyways, so it doesn't matter.

I had oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner today. 
There's really nothing else that sounds good (besides cereal) and the way I make it, it's just delicious. 
You want to hear how I make delicious oatmeal?!
Of course you do. Because I know that everyone who has access to a computer reads my blog and tries the recipes I recommend, you're all just too shy to comment. I know how it is.

So, usually you boil 1 cup water with a dash of salt, then add 1/2 cup oats.
Well, I use 2 cups of water with 1/4 tsp salt, then add 1/2 cup oats. 
Then I put it in this green glass bowl that we have, and it's big, and I add milk to about 1/2 in from the top (maybe 1/2-3/4 cup?)
Then I add some cinnamon (1/2 tsp?) and some Splenda (a few tbsps).
It's really REALLY good, and it fills you up, unlike just having 1 regular serving.
Beat that.

I wore a dress to the beach.

I have 11 more days in this evil place.

I like piano.

No, I LOVE piano. And I'm dead nervous for my class. Where's Confidence? I need him (because Confidence is definitely a him...Haughtiness is a girl, Arrogance is unisex, Cockiness is a guy, Shyness is a girl, and so on).

Tomorrow is General Conference and I'm so glad. I'm going to watch it at the church so that I don't have the chatelaines to distract me. I can't wait to go down to SLC for fall.

I need a hairtrim.

11 days.


Have you heard of the Leven Thumps books? Have you read them? You should, they're good.

Next week is spring break for the chatelains, and it's gonna suck to death.


I'm tired and I refuse to sleep.
I'm going to go use the bathroom then go waste time and try not to fall asleep.
Then tomorrow I'll sleep in then go to Gen Con and then stay for two hours and play piano (I'll bring lunch with me) then watch Gen Con then play piano s'more. Same on Sunday, except for the 2 hour break we have choir practise. Did I mention I'm singing alto, and it's awesome?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Look at us we're beautiful All the people push and pull but They'll never get inside We've got too much to hide

Happy April first, happy two weeks!!!!!

Did piano today; discovered Chopin's "Raindrop" prelude. It's fun.
I'm SO close to finishing my book of drawings. SO CLOSE!

My suitcase is packed, my things are sorted, I'm ready to leave and I'll not be thwarted.
Hail Rexburg, here I come; it's been too long and life's been quite dumb.
Bored I shan't be, when I return to thee. 
Oh gee. 
I think I'll pee.

I made a recipe with meat in the slow cooker (the only way I can cook meat and know it'll come out perfect) and it was WAY spicy. 
I have chocolate-chip cookie dough fro' yo' waiting for me in the freezer. Fun Fact: Chocolate-chip Cookie Dough ice cream is mum's fave ice cream. I used to hate it. Now I like it (but only in fro' yo' form; I hate ice cream- it just tastes like lard. Thick and creamy on the tongue- ew.) Mum's other fave kind of ice cream is Cookies and Cream. I still hate that kind. But I LOVE Mint-Chocolate-Chip. Ying.

Two weeks.

Two weeks.
Two weeks.
Two weeks.


Learning, friends, bipolar weather. Exercise (but not the pointless kind). Shopping for yourself, by yourself. Going on walks wherever you want without informing anyone, just because you want to. Music Outlet. Snow building. Musical performances. Salt Lake City.
Oh holy. I miss it. And I can't believe I'll be back in ONLY TWO WEEKS! LOOVEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I wonder what this semester will hold. We'll see, shan't we? :D

Cor, I'm stoked.