Friday, March 9, 2012

Unoriginal Blog Title

My dream last night was about American Idol, except the hosts and judges and background staff were huge jerks in my dream. It was odd.

The weather has been wondiferous the past week-ish. I love it. Also, for one of my internship projects, my hours were cut to 10 per week, which was nice, so now I have more time for homework. The other project is on hold to see whether it will continue, so for now, I need only work on one project. It's SO NICE! I actually have time to study AND do free time AND be with the family. My life isn't just work-school-video games or read for an hour-bed anymore. But the break will be but brief, as I will soon be on a mission, which means that work amps up to 24/7, instead of 10/5. Boo. But also yay, because I hear it'll be "the best experience of my life" &c.

I'm going to go back to studying leg muscles now. It's a pain in the gluteus maximus for sure.