Saturday, January 31, 2009


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo yesterday I baked some more and made:
*The Pioneer Woman's sheet cake (

*Chocolate Chip cookies

*Corn Muffins (And to jazz it up, I added green food colouring)

And today is Smell's B-Day party and we did everything last-minute, as always. But they're in there doing games and such. I'm in here, doing blogging and such.

I'm able to do a lot of songs on the "Difficult" level on DDR. It's awesome. I didn't think I'd ever be able to do that. And now it takes a lot less time for me to get tired playing. DDR's my exercise for the day. I hate exercising for no purpose, like running and using exercise equipment, but if I'm doing something and getting exercise on the side, that's the kind of exercise I like: going on a bike ride to somewhere, DDR, going to the zoo (where you are walking around a lot) or other things like that. Exercising just to exercise feels like a waste of time to me, and I hate feeling like I've wasted time. Life's too short to waste time.

I also painted yesterday and the day before that; mini-paintings that look pretty cool. I painted this eye that mum said looked like a photo. I asked mum to come paint with me, and she said she couldn't paint well, and that she liked my style but it wasn't her style and she'd get disappointed when she couldn't paint well, but I told her to paint a dot and she painted this way awesome dot. I told her I wanted her to make a series of them. Mini-paintings rock.

Mum also told me that I was hard to read. When I get quiet, she said, she doesn't know if I'm sad or mad or what. That made me happy. I've always wished I could be unreadable/unpredictable. She said that it wasn't a good thing. 

On Thursday I swept the floor and then cleaned it with a sponge (instead of mopping it. Mopping is too messy and takes too long). It was fun.

Yesterday while I was baking and such and when I was cleaning on Thursday, I played music on my computer and it was fun. I was bouncing along, and mum was around and it was just cool. Everything's more fun when you play music. And when I clean and play music, it reminds me of when mum and da used to do spring cleaning at our house in Cali, because they always used to play music while they spring cleaned, and the smell of Murphy's Oil Soap also reminds me of spring cleaning.

I read my patriarchal blessing last night and it made me happy. Then I read scriptures, and that made me happy too. It's so cool how everything in the scriptures is connected, and how, at some point or another, it can be applied to our lives, and how it's all important, and it was all written for our benefit. It really is awesome. And there is definitely a difference between reading and studying scriptures.

In my dream last night, there was a man-eating worm. It was kinda freaky, actually.

That's all.

Thursday, January 29, 2009









Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gluing This Thing Back Together

Sometimes, going on FB makes me depressed because it reminds me that I'm isolated (and because I get so few notifications, although I suppose that doesn't mean that I don't have friends, just that I don't have a life). But other times, it makes me laugh, because people's status updates and then the comments on them are so hilarious. I especially love the "smart" humor that only a few people will get, or the stuff that doesn't make sense at all. And I love when there are 20 comments after the update that have nothing at all to do with the status.

I don't know that I'll be able to stand doing the same things every day for the next two and a half months. There's really nothing at all to do here. "Whatever is going on here will go on wherever you move unless you decide to change it" says da. Poop. I'll have friends when I go back. And so I'll have stuff to do. Ya know, there really isn't much to do in Burgland either, but with friends, there's always someone to chill with, which can be a fun time in itself. 

I'm wearing orange lipstick.
My posts are becoming increasingly more boring.
I have no life.
I like playing the piano.

Oh yeah, on that note (haha), I've decided that the whole hymn book is my new favourite song, because it seems that every day, I like a different song the most. On Sunday/Monday it was "Ye Elders of Israel"; today I woke up with "What Was Witnessed In The Heavens" stuck in my head. And I'm sure that tomorrow it'll be something else.

I had two separate dreams last night. The first one ended when I woke up all of a sudden at 3:55 am and the first thing to pop into my head was something that I never would have expected. It's even weirder because it was RIGHT after I woke up, and I wasn't awake, which means that it was a reflex, because you can't actually think when you abruptly wake up at 3:55 am. And it made me feel smart. Then I fell back asleep and had another dream, then woke up at 5-something because da had to come in and wake Aurora up because she forgot to turn on her alarm or something and then she was a butt and turned on the light because she didn't get her stuff out the night before because "she had tons of things to do", one of which was to talk on the phone for a couple of hours, I suppose. 

Oh, and I noticed that the hymn "Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake" was written by Eliza R. Snow, and the Snow building at BYU-I was named after her. Coolness, eh?

I wish I had a life.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fish Wife

DId yoU knOw thAT 25 deGrEes is cOLd? I guess I didn't, until last night. Therefore, I didn't go @ 4am to take pictures. :P I need to stop saying I'll do things and then not doing them. It makes me look lame.

My days are becoming increasingly more boring, as I do the same things. There's really nothing to do here. It's freezing outside. I have no money, nor do I really have friends. So usually, my day goes like this:

*Get up anywhere from 7am to 10am, depending on how late I stayed up the night before (usually I get up around 8am, but my alarm's set for 7am. This morning, I pressed snooze until 8:14)

*Go upstairs (my room's in the basement), brush teeth, wash face, put in contacts sometimes, medicine, then make a face at myself

*Do some jobs: dishwasher, clean family room, clean up kitchen a bit, clean up living room a bit, wash dishes

*Read scriptures while eating breakfast, usually cereal, while lying on the floor, either in the living room or curled up by a vent in the kitchen

*Clean up breakfast stuff

*Practise piano

*Mum wakes up, I make her breakfast

*Piano, or read, or clean, or help mum

Then until around 3pm, I spend my day doing those same four things, or DDR. At 3:15, the chatelaines come home, and I either keep doing those same four things, or chill around the house wherever people are, or chill with mum. Sometimes I make dinner. Sometimes in the morning or afternoon, I'll go outside or in the forest. Sometimes I'll clean up my room. But this is usually what I do, Mon-Sat. On Sunday:

*Wake up at 7

*Get ready (clothes have already been chosen)

*Go to church early, practise piano


*Stay after and play piano

*Go home, eat

*Chill, be with family, read scriptures or other church stuffs

And that's life. Is it April yet?

Today I explored the forest further than I have before (which isn't that far; only, like, 10 mins of  walking. I get scared of getting lost) and found coolness. I want to go again, but with someone, because it's okay to get lost if you're with someone else. And I'll need my C-phone and camera. I dunno if I'd be trespassing..but oh well. I'll take my chances of being shot or mauled or whatever they do to trespassers.

I also moved snow from one place to another. Oh yeah! :D

Some little things that are happy-making:
*Wind chimes
*Stepping in deep snow when you're not expecting the snow to be so deep
*Impromptu dancing with your mum or brother or dad
*Wicked icicles
*Finding something beautiful that no one else has seen
*Finding the beauty in something that most would not consider beautiful
*Finding cool things on the floor that most would consider junk
*Checking things off a list
*Making useless lists
*Impromptu singing with your mum
*Driving while playing music
*Singing into an ice cream cone
*Saying things in Spanglish
*Laughing at yourself
*Laughing at yourself when you do something stupid even though no one is around to see you
*Correcting your own grammar
*Coming in your room and finding a cat sleeping on your pillow
*Making a fauxhawk in the shower
*Being able to make a fauxhawk in the shower
*Saying something funny
*A room with lots of windows
*Natural light
*Laughing at bodily functions
*Trying not to laugh at bodily functions
*Randomly screeching
*Having people answer when you randomly screech
*Squeaky chairs

Other thoughts:

*You know how I said I love my hair? Well, I still do.

*I still love playing the piano; I wish I were better

*I like taking photos of myself, and I've gotten over feeling ashamed/shy/stupid about liking to take photos of myself

*Rye/Pumpernickel/Black bread are the best breads in the universe

*Sometimes, in the morning, I wake up and I can't feel my arm. It's all numb and rubbery, and kinda freaky. And it's annoying having to wait for it to un-numb

*My favourite shoes are nearing the end of their lives, and I'm sad

*My mood can quickly change from mega-positive to negative-depressed, and back again. But I always act happy, because there's no point in showing sadness

*I wish emotions could be disappeared and logic take over

*I'm tired


Thursday, January 22, 2009

North South East West

Why is it so odd for someone to be taking photos of Pringles and the Quaker Oats dude?

I don't know, but apparently it is.

Anywho, I'm getting up at 4am tomorrow to take photos, 'cuz Da thinks it'll be safer than going at 11 or 12. Go figure. I wish I had a photo-taking buddy, but none in the fam likes that kind of stuff, and as I've said, no tengo amigos aqui. Things like that are always more fun with someone else, but whatever. I'll live.

And that's that.

P.S. Unless orange juice is NOT from concentrate, it's not orange juice. Period.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I know you probably won't see this unless I show it to you, but the world might, and you deserve to have the world know about you. It would take a lot longer time than I have to list everything I love about you, everything that makes you awesome, all the stuff I'm thankful for, and all the stuff you've done for me and others, but I'll put as much as doesn't take too much time.

You're so selfless. That's what I think of most when I think about you. You give and expect nothing in return, and know that you usually won't get anything in return. People don't ever really pay attention to you, because you don't try to make yourself stand out, but if people get to know you, they must see how amazing and strong your spirit is. You put your whole heart into everything you do, whether it be your church callings (and oh my muffins, don't even get me started on what she's done there. SO MUCH she has done, sacrificed so much, usually too much, and to her detriment, but that's just how she is), your family, your projects, or just household things. You are a perfectionist, and so everything you do is just right, and even better than that, most of the time. You have so many talents: decorating, colour-matching, haircutting/styling/colouring, sewing, crafting, landscaping, cooking (when you do cook :P), coordinating clothes, organising, planning, settling conflicts, singing, knowing what to say or do when people feel badly, english/literature, practical knowledge, common sense. You have so many good qualities: perseverance, endurance, patience, humility...actually, I think you're summed up right here:  "And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." (Moroni 7:45)

I can't even list a fraction of the things that you have done for me. You've been my best friend when I had none. You've listened to me. You've appreciated my photos and my art. You've comforted me. You've done my hair when you didn't want to, or when you were dead tired, or when you needed a break. You've done so many things for me when you haven't wanted to. You've helped me look for things (this sounds insignificant, but I'm so impressed by the way you just start looking for something when we've lost something. None of us ever do this for you, although I'm trying since I've noticed that you do this for us). You set a phenomenal example for all of us, and unfortunately, we haven't paid much attention (although I'm trying now). You've bought me things, done crafts with me, stayed up late to help me with projects that I stupidly left for last minute, you've been patient with me while I was being an idiot, you've prayed for me, you've worried about me, you've cared about me. You are always there for me.

Mum, there's absolutely nothing I could do to repay you for being such an amazing mother. There are no words beautiful enough, strong enough, to tell you how much I love you, how much I care for you, how much you mean to me. How thankful I am that YOU are my mother. How much I appreciate all that you've done for me. I really cannot express this, and I feel so inadequate. I wish I could let you know how much I love you. But I'm selfish and can't even watch Thaden for a whole day to let you have a break. I want to be selfless like you, mum. I want to be as giving, as patient, as perfect as you are. 

Thank you for being so kind. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for being selfless. Thank you for raising me well. Thank you for the wonderful example that you've set. I love you, mum, and I hope that not only your birthday, but the rest of your existence is as wonderful as you deserve it to be. 



Monday, January 19, 2009



It's two shades of red and dark brown. NOT black, black is vomit.

So the story: I wanted to go light. LIGHT. Like, as light as mum would let me. So we got some colours to try it out, and did a couple of test strips, but even after double processing, they weren't light enough. She didn't want to bleach my hair, and it would have had to be bleached more than once, which would have fried my hair, so she tried to convince me to do a different colour. I said fine, but I was a tad disappointed because all I've ever done is go darker. But mum said she'd rather do dark brown + red strips instead of light blonde + dark brown strips, so I said sure, and I got the brightest she would let me (if I had it my way, I'd have it lipstick red, but that's not BYU-I honor code appropriate). So after much trial and tribulation, we came up with haircolours that I wanted and a haircut that I wanted (at first, all I knew was that I wanted short and light, which became short with lots of red, and I had to re-persuade mum to let me get it as short as I wanted it).

1. bought stuff
2. test strip 1
3. test strip 2
4. go back, buy different stuff
5. test strip 1 (red) and test strip 1 (dark brown)
6. go back, buy more stuff
7. test strip 2
8. red highlights
9. brown
10. red star
11. haircut
12. haircut

That's just for my reference, 'cuz I don't feel like writing it all out. It's a LOOOONG (and I'm not even kidding) story, much longer than I've written. But in a nutshell, we did lots of deciding, lots of trips back and forth, and many hours actually doing my hair. With all the time added up (driving, buying stuff, doing hair) it probably comes to about 10-12 hours. I FREAKING LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my mum. She does so much for everyone, and no one cares. She stayed up 'til 4 am colouring my hair, spent 4 hours cutting it (3 the first time, 1 the second time) (yes, she cut my hair twice), she cut my hair based on only a picture, she really didn't know what she was doing when she coloured my hair, and EVERYTHING turned out so well. I love my mum. She's so talented, and such a good example, selfless, caring, helpful, devoted to her calling; she tries to give us all that we ask for, loves us unconditionally, doesn't complain anywhere near as much as she deserves to, gets treated like crap, and still is kind. I asked her why she just takes it all, and she said, "I don't treat people based on how they treat me." Talk about Christlike. I want to be like this. I want to be like her. She's still so cool, and is spontaneous and fun, and funny, has style, is beautiful, thin, and so fun!!! I LOVE MY MUM!!! I wish everyone knew her and knew about her, because she's so awesome, and gets screwed so much!! Tomorrow is her birthday, and she's spending all of it driving people around for dentist appointments and stuff. Her birthdays always suck, her mother's days always suck, da doesn't really ever get her anything she REALLY wants for Christmas, even though she drops hints (don't get me wrong, da is awesome too and I love him and mum loves him and he loves mum), and she's still so cool. I wish I could repay her for everything she's done for everyone. She deserves SO much more than she's getting.  But I suppose that she'll be blessed in Heaven. 

Aurora's a jerk, to put it VERY VERY mildly. Especially to mum. "Oh, I'm a nice person to my friends. It's only to my family that I'm mean." I could go on and on and on about how awful she is, but you wouldn't believe me unless you saw it, and I don't want to sound like a butt. So whatever.

But yeah. My hair's awesome.

Other thoughts:

*Church was cancelled on Sunday (I was sad) but we all got along as a family, and people didn't do as much electronic stuff as they usually do; we all got along, and played games, and were together, and it made me happy. Except for Aurora. Aurora was asleep for half the day and wasn't around us. Maybe that's why it was a good day...Yeah, I do sound like a jerk. But I'm not kidding (and I'm not just saying this as "sibling hate" or whatever), if you saw the way she acted at home, when she was really being herself, you'd understand.

*We watched Wall-E on Sunday. It's a cute movie.

*I went to an FHE for YSA's tonight. We watched the new church movie about Gordon B. Hinckley. It was really good. But there were only two guys, one was 27, one was that nerd-stalker that I ranted about in a previous post, and the rest of the girls didn't really seem like my type of person. Sure, they are probably okay people, but I don't really want to hang out with them. 

*I went to the woods today and took pictures. It is so pretty out there, especially in the mid-morning light

*I sang along loudly to my music in the car and drove around for an extra 20 minutes because I wanted to keep singing along and driving

*I love playing the piano; I just wish I were actually good at it

*If I want to learn to play the guitar, I'm not gonna be able to have ANY nails. And it's gonna be a lot harder to learn than piano

*I love taking photos

*I don't mind sleeping, but I hate falling asleep

*I actually went somewhere on Saturday. With people. A girl who I was friends with in art class, and a couple of her friends. We ate then went to a school talent show. The talent show was AWESOME, I still love music, I still LOVE piano (oh my gosh, it was cool), ana ballerinas are beautiful, some random guy introduced himself to me (he was a junior...heh...), I was stared at by all the clones, but I didn't care, 'cuz I gots me some confidence, and I was reminded of Music Outlet. It was SO fun

*I got all the housing stuff worked out; it took forever. I'm gonna be rooming with E, and I'm gonna be in the same ward. Thank you, Heavenly Father! I know I had loads of help from Him.

*Everything happens according to the Lord's time. Patience. I've got my whole life ahead of me

Life is still cool

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hare Krishna

It's just not fun to blog anymore. My life is so uninteresting. 

On the 9th I slept in a tent out in the backyard. It was cold and snow was on the ground and I nearly suffocated in my sleeping bag, 'cuz the only way I could stay warm was by having my head inside of it, but it was so beautiful outside, and the moon was almost full, and the sky was clear. I left the top off of my tent so I could see the moon and have its light come in. That's probably a big reason why it never really got warm in the tent :P The tent was made for summer, so that could also be a reason. :D It was fun, though. Try it some night when you don't really feel like sleeping...or being warm. But seriously, there's a totally different feel and sound when you sleep outside. In the house, everything is still and dead, but outside, even if there are no noises, there's noise. I love it.

On the 10th we went sledding (not for very long, though). When we first got there at near-sunset, I went to go take pictures down by Lake Michigan. The sky was so cool, and the lake looked frozenish. I took some pictures, came down by the lake, looked at it, and decided I'd see if it really was frozen. I just stepped on it a teeny bit, just to test, but it cracked, so I didn't walk on it. I thought that it may be more frozen where snow had accumulated, because it must have been frozen for a while for the snow to be able to stick, so I tried a little way down where there was snow. I stepped on it, and it cracked again, but this time it seemed like there was a thin layer of ice on top, then a layer of water, then another layer of ice, which I assumed would be thick. So I stepped out onto it....

See the dark hole where my left leg went through? Up to my thigh?'s a good thing I didn't go in all the way, because I didn't touch bottom, so who knows how deep it was? Methinks Someone was trying to teach me a lesson... :| 

So after I pulled my leg out, then laughed at myself, and told myself that my parents were right (again! When will I learn?!), I went back to the car, took off my socks, took off my snow pants (thank goodness I was wearing snow pants and then pants underneath that), dried off the bottom of my pants as best I could (thank goodness my pants didn't get too wet), and changed into different boots (thank goodness we had an extra pair of boots)(and I'm know that these weren't all coincidences or good luck). Then I went and found everyone, and Mum noticed right away that I wasn't wearing my snow pants: 
"Why aren't you wearing your snow pants?" 
"Um...(I look away and smile) the lake's not frozen."
So after that, I was going to sled, but after I got to the top of a hill, I saw the sunset. HOLY WOW, it was an AMAZING sunset. Definitely Rexburg quality. The pictures so do not do it justice.

After the sunset, I sled for a little bit, and we found this fake snowboard which you put on by sliding your shoes into some straps, and I went down the hill on that, and I'm sure it wasn't much like real snowboarding, but it was way fun and made me definitely want to try snowboarding sometime. But Mum said I'd need lessons for that, but I wouldn't need lessons for skiing, so maybe I'll try skiing first. 

Sunday was an awesome day, as always. I did nursery for two hours, but it didn't feel like that long, and there are only five or six kids in there, and three other people (one of whom did nothing- she just sat in a chair and texted for most of the time). That night I watched the CES fireside, and that was AWESOME!! I LOVE President Monson!!! I love listening to the prophet speak, and I didn't want the fireside to end. I wish we all could just sit and have church leaders teach us all day. 

On Monday Mum and I went and got stuff for doing my hair. I have a test strand developing in the back as I type. I love having a cosmetologist for a mom!! And I have no idea when she changed, or why she changed, but she's allowing me to do some awesome stuff with my hair. If it turns out cool, I'll post pictures. If not, I'll let it grow out and dye it before I get back to the 'Burg. But there's no one here whose opinion I care about, so if it turns out like crap, I don't really care. Hair grows, ya know? 

Tuesday I took a bath in the sink, 'cuz the shower wasn't warming up. Then I got cold and turned on the shower to see if it was warm, and it was, so I showered. I watched Thaden for Mum, and that made me happy.

I'm sure that other little things happened, but I can't remember them. But I wrote them down somewhere, so it's cool. 

Other thoughts:
*To keep myself busy, along with the homework, I've been reading scriptures a lot. It makes life so much better, and I've started to see that the scriptures connect. My Da's scriptures are all worn and marked, and I want mine to be like that, not new-looking. And I want to know the scriptures; I want to memorise the stories and know where to find things. They make me happy, and now I look forward to studying them, where before it was a chore. 

*I hope my hair turns out cool

*I think I'm getting better at playing the piano. I hope I am

*Store-bought bread is lame and air. I like real, thick, homemade bread. If I don't have that, I use saltine crackers. But I can't eat store-bought air-bread anymore. It's just gross.

*Blogging takes too long, 'cuz I like to describe everything, and write every thought

*Facebook is best when you don't get on every day, and when you do get on, just check things and stay invisible. Which works for me, 'cuz I don't have many friends on there, so over four-ish days I only get 7-10 notifications, or less than that. Life is fun without friends. No, I'm not complaining at all. I like being all alone like this.

*Excepting my last thought, I've found that focusing on the positives and blessings in life and not thinking about the future, but taking things day-by-day, makes life a lot happier. If I think about the future, I just get all depressed, because it's all the same, but if I think about now, and what I'm going to do today, I'm good. Focus on the here and now.

*It's in the single-digits outside right now. That shouldn't be allowed. The temperature should never get below 40 where humans live.

*I want to be the master of DDR. And I shall. I definitely have enough time

*I used my college ingenuity and created soup from a can of 98% Fat-Free Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup plus a can of Turkey Gravy, with a lot of water, some parsley, some salt, some pepper, and some onion powder. It tasted okay with some crackers crunched up into it. Better than nothing. 

*I'm hungry


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Another Random Post, for a quick update

I'm happy again. Stupid moods. I'm too intense. But I'm happy. 

The bread was delicious, I played DDR with Schink for a bit, then by myself, and now I'm listening to music on the TV, and I'm going to work on that report. It's due on Saturday.

Mum said she'd bleach my hair. I'm stoked!!!

I'm ready for life. I'm happy for life. I'm finding joy in the journey. I'm letting come what may, and loving it. I'm laughing at myself. I just wish I had a job or something so I could get out. But I'm happy. 

I'm glad I'm me, and that this is my life.

Because I don't believe When the morning comes It doesn't seem to say An awful lot to me All alone, all alone

Some random things:

*Last Sunday I was called to be a primary worker, and I'm stoked. I get to be in there with my baby bro, and this way Da can go to Sunday School, and I'll get experience with little kids

*I took pictures in The Beyond today, and it was BEAUTIFUL out there. I stood out there for like 10 minutes just looking at it

*I made three types of bread, and homemade brownies

*Nail polish is pretty interesting, and Wikipedia is awesome

*My list of "most favourite hymns" keeps growing. Pretty soon most of the hymns will be in there. But my most most favourite hymns are:
"Called To Serve" #249 (Has always been and will always be my first favourite)
"Lead, Kindly Light" #97 (First song I sang in church choir)
"Come Ye Thankful People" #94 (Second song I sang, I think, and that low F is just...awesome)
"Come, Come, Ye Saints" Men's Choir version #326 (Sounds so much cooler than the regular version, and again, that low F)
"Choose the Right" #239 (Really easy to play)
"The Morning Breaks" #1 (It's just pretty, and we sang it in BoM class once)
"Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains" #212 (Pretty also)
"Silent Night" #204 (I just like to sing the alto part)
"Angels We Have Heard on High: #203 (Fun to play, and I love the tenor and bass parts)
"Praise to the Man" #27 (Gotta love those Scottish folk songs)
"The Lord Is My Shepherd" Women's version #316 (Again, better than the original version; This song is so much prettier this way)
"For All the Saints" #82 (We almost sang this in choir, but didn't, but I liked it a lot after hearing it again on the Hymns CD)
"Master, the Tempest Is Raging" #105 (Fun to play)
"Be Still My Soul" #124 (I can actually play this one without going deathly slow, and it's pretty)
"Abide with Me; 'Tis Eventide" #165 (Pretty when played an octave higher, without bass and tenor parts, but pretty when played normally also)
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" #200 (I've only ever played the soprano and alto parts, but it's fun)

And I have secondary ones, but these are my absolute favourites and the ones that I chose to put on my iPod.

*You can't have a bad day when you listen to hymns all day

*The day is more satisfying and you feel better about yourself if you've worked for most of the time

*It is SO MUCH FUN to drive alone at night, blasting a song that you know, and singing so loudly that you strain  your vocal cords, and you start sounding horrible because your voice cracks, but it doesn't matter 'cuz no one can hear you

*It is SO MUCH FUN to play (or in my case, pretend to play) the real piano (not a stinky keyboard. So not the same), and when I was in The Beyond, I was thinking how awesome it would be if there was a piano out in the middle of the snow and I could play it outside

*I hate rap and R&B, but the Gorillaz are cool, 'cuz they're a mash-up of rap and rock and they're not vulgar. They're awesome. What would they be classified as? 

*I want to bleach my hair lighter, just for the heck of it, and 'cuz I've only gone darker

*I miss BYU-I

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Let the sun shine, let the sun shine in!!

Not only does cauliflower look like genital warts, it also looks like brains!!! What a versatile vegetable. 

It snowed big, wet flakes today. It's the type of snow that you think of when you think "snow". I took pictures, not because I was in an artsy mood, but because I have no reason. 

I'm kinda bored. But happy and spontaneous to the end!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Complaints of a Lonely(ish) Soul

I'm cleaning my room, going through my drawings and other stuff that I saved from college, and looking at other drawings and stuff that I've saved. I have some cool stuff, and with every thing that I look at, the memories come back so clearly, even with stuff from, like, elementary school. It is so amazing, and so awesome, and I love it. Some of my drawings are crap, some are cool, some are hilarious. I've saved cards, notes, and even a glasses case that I had people sign. I wish I could show people this, because I feel like no one (besides my mum, whom I love, and who will always and forever be my absolute best friend in the world, even though I don't even tell her everything) has ever really gotten to know me, every part of me, and understands me. I would love to talk to my mum all the time, but she's busy. And I'm not terribly close with any of my sibs in that way either. All my friends are scattered across the country or are in Rexburg. So I've only myself to tell about me, and I do care, but it can be pretty repetitive, telling myself things that I already know. 

Whenever I do talk to people, my family included, the conversation always gets turned to the other person, and they talk about themselves, and I have to just stuff all my words back down my throat. Even when I came back from college, and I demanded that I have some time to just talk about me, everyone except my lovely mum scattered after about 10 minutes, and I couldn't tell stories about class, or life, or anything, and I felt like mum wasn't even really caring all that much. And it sucks, because when I talk to other people about their lives, I give them my whole attention, and mean what I say, and feel for them, and if I have to, I pretend to be enthusiastic. I let people dump on me, but when I try to dump, I either get ignored, no one cares (or maybe just don't express their caring, which is just as sucky), or I feel like a jerk for just talking about me. I feel spoiled for talking about myself on my own blog.

I'm not saying all this in an "emo" way, or to get comments, or to have people feel sorry for me or whatever. I just don't get it. Does this happen to other people? I can't be the only one who gets screwed all the time like this. What's probably going on is that my perspective on myself is warped, I'm not actually as nice or awesome as I think I am, and I'm just a stupid person who complains too much. It's probably that. But you don't have to read what I say, so go away, and I'll just keep myself company and wallow in my whateverness, and tell myself how cool I am from my crazy, warped perspective.

SO there!

And to keep me from dying of boredom, I've decided to give myself a report to do each week, due on Saturday. This week's topic: Nailpolish. I'm also learning music stuff, practising piano, and I've typed up some worksheets so I can learn from those medical terminology cards. AND I may do job-shadowing at the hospital. Sweetness, huh? But it'll all probably end up as words on my blog, and I won't actually do any of it.

But I still want to go back. I miss college, and my friends. Facebook just doesn't cut it.

Oh, and we had FHE for the first time in FOREVER (seriously) last night, and it's my job to do the lesson, and people didn't really pay attention, but I learned, and I cried. I hate crying when I bear my testimony. It's a big reason why I don't bear it more often. I hate crying in front of people, even my family. I go and hide in my room.

And that's the end. Back to organising, then to work on that report. Ciao, my draculas!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I’ll seek you out, Flay you alive One more word and you won't survive And I'm not scared of your stolen power I see right through you any hour

I had an adventure today.
Bike ride with Aurora in the sharp winter air, wind blowing, my face coming off because of the coldness. To the end, the end of the street. "Road Ends" sign. Down a dirt road, covered in snow. Junkyard. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Everything is so desolate and abandoned. 

Then down a bumpy hill on our bikes into the forest, explore a frozen riverlake, misstep, soak my foot. Backtrack, explore safer areas. Return, trudge up the hill, dragging the bikes. Go back, cold, but happy. 

I'm going back on Monday. This place is too perfect.