Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yes. I am busy. So busy, I don't feel like talking. I run around all day and it's awesome. I ate way too many cookies today. I love school. I love piano, but I don't feel like I'm improving. I love the temple, I love prayer, I love church, I love devotional, I love life. And that's what I have time for.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Thoughts

I wish I could escape memories. They're tied in to everything: objects, places, temperatures, colours, smells, words. Memories evoke emotions, thoughts, that I don't want.
Where's the reset button? This game's not going how I want it to go. Where's rewind? Can't I start this over from a certain point?
I can't just leave a place when I don't want to remember anymore. That doesn't solve the problem. I want to erase the memories. I want to start life again, lessons kept but experience forgotten. It's not just the bad, but also the good that haunt me. I want to start life again, nothing holding me back. I don't want to have every object, place, temperature, colour, smell, word, be associated with some memory. Memories evoke emotions, thoughts, that I don't want. I wish I could escape memories.

Monday, May 4, 2009

WHAT?! FHE can be FUN?!?!?

The one on the left is MPD, on the right, FD. 
Read below for details.


Okay, it started all same-like. Class (I love chem), then to the Snow for an hour to practise, then home to do homework (done), then off to class again (it was all the way across campus to the Ricks and my shins and calves KILLED ME). It was math (my teacher's so awesome-Sister Eastman-we went to the vending machines to learn about functions), then BOM, where our teacher tied in Elder Bednar's devotional and us being the chosen generation with the Abrahamic covenant. He knows his scriptures so well, and he explained everything as a big circle of logic. It was so awesome, and he totally put everything into perspective. (Side note- everything is so connected. I keep noticing that.) Then to nutrition, where I was bored again, then home and eating dinner (leftovers). Then chilled for a bit, then met Char at the Snow to go get contracts for College Avenue (I'm gonna room with Char! It'll be great! And apparently lots of music and art majors live on college avenue, so maybe I'll meet some awesome people). Then to the Snow to practise, then home. 

This is the fun part: I got home, two of our FHE bros were there. The original FHE was to have the ward gather at the Auxiliary gym in the Fart, but they forgot to reserve it. So we were at our house, wondering what to do. FHE bro #1 (who shall henceforth be referred to as Mission in the Philippines Dude, or MPD for short) suggested we go to Caesarito's, because he was hungry. I suggested we go to Braulims and I make chocolate chip cookies. No one had a lesson because they had planned on dodgeball to get them out of it, so when it was made known that a few of them had fallen asleep during the CES fireside, I got my notes out and shared some of my thoughts on the fireside. Then we walked to Braulims, got stuff, walked back home, and I made cookies. MPD left to go swimming after about an hour, and I was still in the kitchen baking. I came out after a while, and chilled on the arm of the couch. A while later, after about 30 mins of chilling and not doing much, we somehow got on to mission stories, and so I told FHE bro #2 (who shall henceforth be referred to as Funny Dude, or FD for short) to tell us some stories. Oh man, did he tell stories. He is a GREATAWESOME storyteller. He's hilarious, descriptive, and never laughs at his own jokes. He did that for about 3 hours, and we learned all about his companions. He laced everything with humor, but he definitely communicated lessons underneath all that. Oh man. It was awesome. I wish I could have recorded it all. 

Some main points:
*Missions are hard
*Companions can be really weird
*Missions are the worst best time of your life
*Ugly girls go to the Chicago North Spanish-speaking Mission
*Chicago is not the most fun place to go on a mission
*Have a definitive break-off with anyone you've dated before a mission
*Winters in Chicago are brutal

It was awesome though. Seriously awesome. And I'm gonna be dead tired tomorrow.