Thursday, July 21, 2011


Things I hate:

-Sucky managers
-Assaults against my integrity
-A "My opinion is always right!" attitude
-Going against the convention for the sake of going against the convention...and then being vocal about it
-Wet pants
-Frozen butt
-Lack of bed
-White Glove and a biased manager to check the white glove
-Poor sports
-Making a mountain out of a molehill
-Girls who agree with a guy solely because they like the guy

Sunday, July 17, 2011

On Obsession

I went to bed thinking about dancing, and woke up to dreaming about dancing. It was one of those slow wake-ups, where you gradually realize that the dream is not reality, and it fades further away, until you are at a functional and logical point of consciousness. As the dream faded out, reality faded in, and reality was that I was hungry, and that my toe hurt. My mind is wonderfully one-track when I wake up tired, so I went downstairs and took care of my toe first. It had gotten a cut yesterday, and I could feel that it was getting infected, so I washed it with soap, and then squeezed out the infected pus junk. I marvelled at how fast an infection can occur. Then I looked to see if anyone had hydrogen peroxide, or some sort of alcohol, but nobody did, so I used nailpolish remover instead. I poured it on, dried it, then used a q-tip and swabbed the cut. Then I went to the kitchen to find food. Hey look. Eggs. So now I'm making eggs.

Wasn't that fun?

I am sore amazed, because waking up hungry definitely means that I don't eat enough. I forget to eat whenever I go dancing. Thus, I truly have found my one passion: when you love something enough that you forget to eat, then it must be something that you love deeply. O! to have found my passion earlier! But at least I've found it. I'm going to try to get an internship up here for the winter so that I can have 2 more semesters up here, and I'll be able to take more dance classes and continue to go to ballroom and swing nights and workshops. By that time I hope to have gotten good enough to take off the training wheels.

So, yeah. I shall now be sleep-deprived because I was hungry because I forgot to eat because I was dancing. Time to prepare my sunday school lesson, I suppose.

The end.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

On Swing Dancing

I LOVE SWING DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ballroom workshop was tonight. It was open dance. The whole time, I was just wanting to swing dance. Part way into the dance, someone who goes to swing, who is really good, who I've danced with before, appeared at the doorway as a swing song came on, and we danced superfast. I felt bad, because I'm nowhere near as good as him, but I wanted to swing, dang it. It was SO fun!!! I got to swing with him twice. Ah yeah!

I'm also gonna be a manager-or-something for ballroom workshop next semester. Look at me, all getting involved and stuff.

I'm supposed to be doing homework. I'm listening to jazz. I'm tired. Tomorrow's Friday. I want to dance. I love dancing. I hate homework.

On Semester's End

Well, it's nearing the end of another semester. I'm still without definitive life plans. Still without a significant other. Still without a job plan. Still without an internship. Still without a desirable sleep schedule.

Swing dancing tonight. Vintage night. It was fantastic...but it ended before 11. It still went the full 2 hours of dance, but they had to start at 8:30. It was nice in the beginning, because the girl-to-guy ratio was favorable. But around 9 when all the rest of the girls started coming, it wasn't as fun.

I got all dressed up. Looked awesome. Sportin' the red lipstick. Danced with a whole bunch of awesome people. Funny story: I danced with a kid who was there from highschool. He did not know what he was doing. Instead of being bored or disappointed each time he asked me to dance(since he asked me 3 or 4 times), I sort of led myself and made stuff up, while sort of teaching him as well. And it was SOOO fun!!!! I think I had the most fun dancing with him, just because there were no rules, no form to worry about, no technique to break. It was pure danceage. The only disappointing part was that he asked me to dance on 2 of the best songs of the night. They were both blues songs, and I could feel them, and he didn't. He wasn't as good at keeping with the beat, but I forced him to by keeping myself with the beat. Ha. But seriously, it was just FUN. I could do anything (and I did do anything) and just make stuff up, and have fun with it! I think I had a taste of what leads feel like. Especially leads who dance with non-good follows. It was still fun, because his inability to dance/follow didn't ruin my fun (which is probably why the awesome people still dance with me), but it would have been way fun with someone who could follow. I worked within his frame, though. I didn't do anything that would mess up the groove. It was fun. I felt fully confident and in control. I need a dance partner with whom I can connect like that. Which probably means that I need to get married.

The kid who liked me tried to do his version of blues with me at the end, but it wasn't a blues-feeling song. I didn't feel the blues to it. As a result, I was once again just having fun, and I was chastised for it. Bad dancing strategy. I chastised him back: "Hey. I'm having fun." Ha!

So, related story: Last night (Tuesday night) I had a dream about a guy at swing that I had a smallish crush on (hey! first one of the semester!). I was talking to him about something-or-other. Then in the dream, I had a dream. It was me and this guy, and we were again talking, but he was more humoring me than anything. We were in this building in a city, and the room we were in was like the front of a shop. We were talking again, and then a song came on that's been stuck in my head for the past 4 days: Fever. Then I started blues dancing (or at least my dreaming brain's interpretation of it) and stuff. But he didn't really respond; he thought about it, but decided to still humor me instead. Bummer.

I love dreams.

I'm supposed to be doing homework. I was supposed to have been doing it since I got home. But when I got home, I was bummed because dancing was over, and because I don't have a man, so I went skateboarding with my roommate. By skateboarding I mean riding on a skateboard and looking like one of those wussy girls who try to look cool. We went to Broulim's and got food, cause I hadn't eaten but twice. Then we came home, chatted with other roommates, and then watched harry potter 6 pt 1.

Take home message: Swing Dancing. If I knew how, I would allow it to consume my life. But currently, my only access is through Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. I want more. I want every night to be swing. I am obsessed.

Lingering question: Where is my love?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On Frustration

I don't send signals. I don't recognize signals. As a result, I will never be married, unless a boy decides to be supremely persistant. This doesn't happen. Therefore, I will never be married. And this makes me frustrated.

But today was good. Church, in which my two roommates and I decided to go to another ward for 2nd hour, and we just happened to go to mission prep, and we got to teach about Joseph Smith's vision. It was awesome. Then home, and I made caramel corn for a potluck. Then I skyped my family. I miss them. Then I went to the Kirkham and played piano, and made variations on hymns. It was fun. Then, visiting teaching, which was good, then to the park. I listened to a bunch of strings (even a bass!!) play hymns, and VERY VERY well did they play. They played variations too, and put stylings, and basically improvised. It was awesome!!!!!!! I finished a painting for class while they did that. There was also this little girl, and she was shy, so I let her paint on some paper. Her mom was happy about that. After the strings were done, I went to the echo room, played guitar for the hymns that I had chorded, and even sang. In public. And I think I could have a really good voice if I would take lessons (and I don't compliment myself lightly). But I'm not a soprano. Then I watched the clouds, and waited for mi amiga to pick me up. THE CLOUDS WERE AMAZING TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful. Then we went up to the temple and watched the sunset. The clouds were amazing. Then we went to my house, and I observed her flirt, and realized that I'll never be good at it. Then we got free dinner from her neighbor, and played Speed and Nertz. Then we went to her house and talked for an hour. Then I went home, and now I've decided that I'm frustrated that I never have even a hope for any of my crushes, so I don't even try, because my brain tells me that yes, I deserve someone awesome, but whenever I see someone awesome, I feel like they're too awesome to notice me, so I don't even try. MASSIVE GRARRRL OF FRUSTRATOINNNSLKNONWOIENOINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a strange, self-defeating loop. I'll never be married. I'll never date. I'll never be in another relationship. I've only been in 2 relationships, and the first occured because I pursued it hardcore (when I was still naive) and the second because it was arranged. As in, we pretended to date at first to get a stalker off his back. I really am lame. I've never had a real relationship. In my entire life. That's pathetic. If that's the case, then does that not show that I'm not as awesome as everyone and myself say I am? But my brain rejects this. Why can I just not understand how to send and receive signals?!?!! Such a simple concept, and my intelligent brain cannot grasp it. Whatever.

So, my frustration is leading me to stay up late, and do homework, and listen to non-sunday music, even though it's technically not sunday anymore. I think this mood will last until tomorrow.

In other news, I had a dream that I was somehow married to that guy who likes me, and I was very very unhappy about it, but I knew that I shouldn't get a divorce. I was also drunk at one point. It wasn't a happy dream, but interesting nonetheless. I have never had a dream that I haven't enjoyed.

I am frustrated. I hate boys. I hate the game. We're playing with limited information. That always leads to a sub-optimal solution.

The End.