Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whispering secrets in a car under the shower of a sprinkler

Sister P. : My camera is broken, and I won't get around to buying one until after he leaves for summer break, so pictures will have to wait 'til September. 

Kat: This is the guy I told you about. It maketh me happy.

Details: I'm terrible at telling stories. But I know that I like him, and I know that he likes me, and that's the important thing.

But anyways. Monday, I leave for Utah. Meet the fam there, then on to CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, I'm so stok-ed. 

I'm going to buy another camera and take extra good care of it. It must needs be expedient that I buy a camera so that I mayest more fully take photos of life. I hate not being able to document anything, especialmente right now.

I love my life right now. It'll have to go downhill sometime, I know it, but right now, I'm happy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The newest news.

Hey guess what.

I have a boyfriend.

My mouth still feels weird saying that.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Let's Protest Homework

I think that homework gets in the way of life way too often. I think we should all protest homework. 

I also think that piano is awesome. 

I also think that there should be more to do in Rexburg. But what was done was fun.

I need to do homework but I cain't focus no more. PROTEST!!

But it's halfway done. Just need to do it. Nike. Just do it. DO IT. I don't want to. I want to......

That's what I want to be doing right now. But it's okay, because later.


Do homework. Now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Here's how it goes

Lost my chem book, lost a $100 bill (my food money for the rest of the semester-I was so stoked about having money to roll-over for the next semester...suppose not). Had an awesome weekend. Understatement, of course. Four days of life with the guy I like. Not a bad way to spend my free time. Not a bad way at all. Gotta love them Fourth of July barbecues, tambien. Went to his friend's family's BBQ in IF. Had an awesome day away from Rexburg. Enjoyed them fireworks. For sure. Oh, if only you could have been there. And when he plays piano (yes, he plays piano) it's like..............yeah. Yeah.

But life. 

'Tis life.

And movies. Those are fun too. Small couches rule.

But don't worry. I'm always home by curfew.


Can you hear me smile?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I thought I might get one more chance

I liked yesterday.

School was all...school-y. Chem, piano, math, Book of Mormon (story: before BOM, my friend had to finish the readings, so she sat in the hall, and I said, "I want to go play piano in there". She said, "do it". And so I went into the chapel and played some hymns. There were only a couple people in there doing quiet studying or something. It was fun. I considered for a second skipping class and just playing piano for that hour. But I didn't. But after BOM, I considered skipping nut class, because attendance isn't required there, and just playing piano, but then my friend came up behind me and said, "Don't skip class". In a joking/serious sort of way. I laughed and asked her how she knew, and she said, "Because your class is THAT way." And so I went to class and drooled of boredom and tired and allergies for an hour.), nutrition. Then piano at the Snow, then home, then next door to see them off, then to Porter park to swing on the swings with my roommate Beth (Macadamia. Gazebo. Mukluk. Bulbous bouffant.) Then we ran through some sprinklers, then walked uphill, past the rich-person housing, through some more sprinklers, through a field. It was all so quiet and beautiful and awesome. Then up to the stake building, where we were going to play the organ, but it was locked, so we did piano instead. I played a couple of things, she played a thing, then we played a couple hymns together, then I played hymns while she sang, then we found an electric piano, then we went to Craigo's and had pizza, and it was SO FUN, and then we came outside and the sky was beautiful, then home, then I went and hung out with people, then I cursed curfew, spat at it, stabbed it in my head, and made it home on time. Then I took two Benadryl and went to sleep. Woke up at 11, felt sick, hot, tired, bleh. Woke up a bit more, and now I still feel allergies, but I feel better.

And this weekend's gonna rock. I promise.