Monday, November 17, 2008

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhg (That means "blog" in boredspeek)

I'm going on a Facebook fast. I refuse to be one of the fat losers who spends all day on there because they have no one to hang out with. That goes for the computer in general, actually. And if this fast means that I'm gonna be melting with boredom, well, so be it. But I'm not gonna be a fat loser.

I just spilled salt on the carpet. On purpose. Why? Because.
Bad luck for me!

Thanksgiving's in a week, and I'm the only one not excited. Stupid apathetic girl.

Corn is delicious.

The conference ensign came yesterday. I was very happy. I've been wanting to read the talks (in print; online reading is lame) since conference.

Corn is especially delicious with salt. But not salt that was spilled on the floor. 

This morning I felt like baking, but I had only 1 1/4 cup of sugar left. I could have just reduced the sugar in the recipe that I had, but I felt spontaneous. So I mixed the sugar with a bit of oil (instead of butter), then added a buttload of punkin (not pureed, but cut up with scissors! 'Twas fun). Then I added more brown sugar than punkin (sooo much), then salt, punkin pie spice, cimmanon, baking soda, baking powder, a titch of sour creme (yeah, that's right: "Creme"), un huevo, and 3ish cups of flour (I kinda just dumped some in). Then I mixed it up, and decided I'd try to bake the resulting mush like cookies first. They were moist. But something was off. I couldn't waste whatever it is I had made, so I poured it all in a 9X13 pan, and it's baking-or something-as I type. Who knows what it'll look/taste/smell/sound like? It'll probably be disgusting. Tee hee. I had fun with it, though. And that's what matters!

The posts with pictures are always more readable. So here's a picture:

Yeee-up. Corn corn corny corny corn. 

Sunday night I sat in the bleachers in the dark in the cold and looked at the stars. I would have fallen asleep but I was freezing to death. It was still an hour 'til spanish stadium singing started, but I didn't want to go all the way back to the Snow, so I decided to go under the stadiums and see if there was anywhere warm where I could take refuge. There are bathrooms under there, and I just prayed that they'd be heated (I wasn't literally praying, stupid). They were. Oh, they were. I used the bathroom, almost falling asleep on the toilet, then lay on my stomach on my jaquet on the floor and was writing in my notebook. I fell asleep. 

I woke up just as spanish stadium singing started. I went outside and listened. All of the songs that they sang were songs that I love. Then that was over and I moved in closer for the english one. I was by myself 'cuz Kat was at a friend's house, so I squished in by a wall so I wouldn't be by myself in the open. Then these majorly obnoxious, rude people came in and crowded me up against the wall. One of the dudes was a butthole and was being really rude (not to me, but in general). I just tried to ignore it. This week we sang primary songs, including the suuun-BEAM! song, and the Popcorn song, and the Snowman song. Oh, and Book of Mormon Stories. It was funny to see everyone doing the actions. I'm glad that college students aren't "too mature" to do stuff like this. 

I took The Thing out of the oven. It looks okay, but I have no idea what it'll taste like. 

No quiero ir a clase.

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Next time you have nothing to do, go read Alma 5, and ask yourself those questions. It'll be fun! (really?)

Four weeks 'til school's over. I'm sad. I'm gonna go home where I have no friends and nothing to do and be truly bored out of my mind. Getting a job won't help. And there are no jobs to be had in Michigan with its crap economy anyway. I'll be cleaning the house all day. Or indexing for family history (shudder). And (to put it nicely) I am not fond of the ward in MI. 

I wrote on my hand ayer and woke up this morning with a perfect mirror image of the writing on my face in several places. Nice, vibrant blue ink, even. It didn't want to come off all the way. Stupid me. But it was hilarious!

Orright. I've wasted enough time telling no one about nothing. So I'm going to go waste my life s'mmore. Summat. Gerroff. You slimy git. I've been rereading the Harry Potter books. Blimey!

Okay. Really. 



Danette said...

I enjoyed the post. I'm not sure when you will be back to find this out since you are going on some kind of crazy fast. I give you until tomorrow to be back on. If you are reading this before then, you are WEAK!!

Chloe said...

No, YOU'RE weak!! Blogspot isn't Facebook, my dearest Sister P. Besides, I did stuff, so I consider my life to be lived for today. SO THERE!!