Actually, I'm 75 words short. But what I've written has taken all of my brainpower, and then some. I just am not good at writing essays. I say what I need to say, then I'm done. I don't flower or use fifty words when three will work.
Now I just have to read 9 pages before 12:45, the devotional scriptures before 2, study for and take a math test before 4:30, print off my paper, study for an english test before 4:30, take said test, and I'm good! .... X(
The stress ends tomorrow at 4:15, when my american foundations class ends (in which i have another test that i still need to study for) and starts again at 4:30, when english class starts, and when we'll be informed of our NEXT 1500 word paper. Glug.
I think I'm allergic to writing essays. I think the essays that I try to write are allergic to me. I think diet caffeine-free mountain dew tastes good.
Poooooooooop. Okay. I'm gonna do my homework now.
(And still she procrastinates?! Psycho-lady.)
wow... talk about needing a break. Good thing you're getting one tomorrow!
You not being able to write...I'm not buying it. You are one of the most gifted writers I know. You are brilliant if you can say what you want to in less words, those of us who are inferior have to go on and on to try and get our point across. I can't wait to know the grade, I'm sure you did well. Good luck on all the other tests.
You bet I need a break. And we'll have fun, or freeze to death in the snow trying!
Thanks Sister P! You always make me feel good about myself. I <3 you!
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