Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On College Grocery Shopping

It's a nice, crisp morning. You set off towards the grocery store, cash in pocket, reveling in your independence. Once at the store, you take pleasure in choosing things that you like, limited only by your financial-aid college-student budget. You arrive at the checkout. After everything's scanned,  you discover that you didn't bring enough. Fine, fine. It's a bit embarassing, but you'll live. You come out of the store with your bags in hand. They're heavier than you'd thought they'd be, but you'll be fine walking home. You can do it. Then as you're crossing the crosswalk, stuff starts to fall out. Oh crap. That's when you realise that maybe you should have gotten a ride. But it's too late now, so you keep going. The bags are feeling REALLY heavy by now (maybe it's those 13 pounds of apples you bought), and you still have forever to go. But then a car slows on the side of the road. Could it be? YES! BYU-I spirit comes through!! You're offered a ride by a nice junior, who explains that she used to do the same thing. You thank her when you get out, relieved that you didn't have to walk all the way home with your apples and cans and split bags. You laugh at yourself, feel glad that you're at such an awesome school, and know that you'll probably do the same thing again sometime soon, and there'll be no one to help you. But that's okay, because you're building muscle and getting in shape. Or something.

True story.


Tayler said...

haha i wish someone would stop and give me a ride sometime... that would be great. but i usually have to arrange for a ride to get one... oh well.

Chloe said...

I was suprised, actually. Sometimes I'd wish for rides or for someone to help me while I was walking home, but this is the first time it's happened. It made me happy.