Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Relaxational Saturday

Meh...I'm ready for Thanksgiving break. It should be Tuesday.

So I'm trying to prepare a lesson that I'm supposed to be teaching tomorrow, on the Millennium. I can't tell what I'm supposed to be teaching about, or how it's supposed to go. Then again, I am tired, and so my mind isn't very clear. I'm going to get up tomorrow at 8 (church is at 9:30) and try again.

My roommate has been skyping her boyfriend nearly all day. It seems very odd to me. I don't think this is normal.

I made flan yesterday. The recipe I used made it WAAAY too sweet. In the past three days I've also made fried rice, curry, and this mushroom-eggplant-bamboo shoot sautee thing. The mushroom thing was the most delicious and the easiest to prepare.

I still don't have an internship for next semester. I am bothered by this.

I just want to hurry up and get my license so I can input the information for my papers so I can submit them so I can get my call so I can count down until I go on my mission. If it weren't for my license holding me up, I would have had my papers in like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Annoyance!

I feel as though I will never get married. But it's okay, because I have a life plan now.

I really really really want it to be next week. I'm excited to see my family again, and hang out with Aurora, who just broke up with her boyfriend and so now she'll be hanging out with just the family and not him, like the last 2 times I've seen her. I'm also excited to see the mountains. I miss the mountains.

Today felt like a semi-productive day, and an awesome day. My body woke me up at around 8, which was offensive-I stayed up until almost 2 last night. So I stubbornly stayed in bed until 9, then woke up, felt motivated, and found some exercise videos on youtube and "exercised" for about an hour. It wasn't very strenuous, but it was something, at least. Then I had a small pre-breakfast so my stomach wouldn't eat itself, then I showered, then I had a real breakfast. I cleaned my room, went with my roommate to the store, did a bit of homework, and read a book. Then two of my roommates and I went to Wingers (and I have leftovers! I love leftovers), and then I went to a voice lesson that my friend is doing with me this semester for her voice pedagogy class. After that, I came home and read a book, then took a nap, then tried to prepare my lesson and it didn't work.

So the best part about today was that I had only one prior engagement (the voice lesson), and aside from that, I got to choose to do whatever the heck I wanted. I even got to lounge around. This was the perfect weekend for such a thing, because I have almost nothing that I need to be doing, homeworkwise. It's been lovely.

But I still wish it was Tuesday. I want to go home.

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