Monday, March 7, 2011

Midday Chill

I signed up for classes today. They're mostly fun classes, but a large workload of them, so I think I'll have to get rid of some. But I don't want to. So far, I have:
General Art-2D: MW 2-4pm
Intermediate Microeconomics: MWF 9-10am
(I'm positive I'm going to either audit or drop this one) Public Economics: TR 8-9:30am
Senior Capstone: TR 9:45-11:15am
Old Testament: MW 12:45-1:45pm
American Epidemic: MWF 11:30-12:30pm
Essentials of Welding: TR 12:45-1:45pm, then lab 3:15-5:30pm

So the classes I will for sure keep are Micro, Capstone, OT, Epidemic, and Piano. I'll drop welding if it turns out to be less fun than I think, or if it turns out to be too much work. I'll drop Art if I think it'll take too much time. Good times.

Now, I have class, and I therefore must depart. CLASS!

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Hi Chloe,
I like your writing. It's a talent.
Just a suggestion, are there creative writing classes?
Best wishes. Keep blogging.