Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fish Wife

DId yoU knOw thAT 25 deGrEes is cOLd? I guess I didn't, until last night. Therefore, I didn't go @ 4am to take pictures. :P I need to stop saying I'll do things and then not doing them. It makes me look lame.

My days are becoming increasingly more boring, as I do the same things. There's really nothing to do here. It's freezing outside. I have no money, nor do I really have friends. So usually, my day goes like this:

*Get up anywhere from 7am to 10am, depending on how late I stayed up the night before (usually I get up around 8am, but my alarm's set for 7am. This morning, I pressed snooze until 8:14)

*Go upstairs (my room's in the basement), brush teeth, wash face, put in contacts sometimes, medicine, then make a face at myself

*Do some jobs: dishwasher, clean family room, clean up kitchen a bit, clean up living room a bit, wash dishes

*Read scriptures while eating breakfast, usually cereal, while lying on the floor, either in the living room or curled up by a vent in the kitchen

*Clean up breakfast stuff

*Practise piano

*Mum wakes up, I make her breakfast

*Piano, or read, or clean, or help mum

Then until around 3pm, I spend my day doing those same four things, or DDR. At 3:15, the chatelaines come home, and I either keep doing those same four things, or chill around the house wherever people are, or chill with mum. Sometimes I make dinner. Sometimes in the morning or afternoon, I'll go outside or in the forest. Sometimes I'll clean up my room. But this is usually what I do, Mon-Sat. On Sunday:

*Wake up at 7

*Get ready (clothes have already been chosen)

*Go to church early, practise piano


*Stay after and play piano

*Go home, eat

*Chill, be with family, read scriptures or other church stuffs

And that's life. Is it April yet?

Today I explored the forest further than I have before (which isn't that far; only, like, 10 mins of  walking. I get scared of getting lost) and found coolness. I want to go again, but with someone, because it's okay to get lost if you're with someone else. And I'll need my C-phone and camera. I dunno if I'd be trespassing..but oh well. I'll take my chances of being shot or mauled or whatever they do to trespassers.

I also moved snow from one place to another. Oh yeah! :D

Some little things that are happy-making:
*Wind chimes
*Stepping in deep snow when you're not expecting the snow to be so deep
*Impromptu dancing with your mum or brother or dad
*Wicked icicles
*Finding something beautiful that no one else has seen
*Finding the beauty in something that most would not consider beautiful
*Finding cool things on the floor that most would consider junk
*Checking things off a list
*Making useless lists
*Impromptu singing with your mum
*Driving while playing music
*Singing into an ice cream cone
*Saying things in Spanglish
*Laughing at yourself
*Laughing at yourself when you do something stupid even though no one is around to see you
*Correcting your own grammar
*Coming in your room and finding a cat sleeping on your pillow
*Making a fauxhawk in the shower
*Being able to make a fauxhawk in the shower
*Saying something funny
*A room with lots of windows
*Natural light
*Laughing at bodily functions
*Trying not to laugh at bodily functions
*Randomly screeching
*Having people answer when you randomly screech
*Squeaky chairs

Other thoughts:

*You know how I said I love my hair? Well, I still do.

*I still love playing the piano; I wish I were better

*I like taking photos of myself, and I've gotten over feeling ashamed/shy/stupid about liking to take photos of myself

*Rye/Pumpernickel/Black bread are the best breads in the universe

*Sometimes, in the morning, I wake up and I can't feel my arm. It's all numb and rubbery, and kinda freaky. And it's annoying having to wait for it to un-numb

*My favourite shoes are nearing the end of their lives, and I'm sad

*My mood can quickly change from mega-positive to negative-depressed, and back again. But I always act happy, because there's no point in showing sadness

*I wish emotions could be disappeared and logic take over

*I'm tired


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